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This NRA Online Hunter Education course is designed to help new hunters of all ages learn how to be safe and responsible members of the hunting community. From the organization that built the first-ever hunter education program in 1949, this state-of-the-art course is the most comprehensive online hunter education instruction in the United States...and it's 100% FREE

No organization does more to support hunters than the National Rifle Association.



Official Alabama Department of Conservation and Natural Resources hunter safety course

The NRA online hunter education course for Alabama is FREE to all Alabama residents. Upon successful completion of this course and the final exam you will be routed to the Alabama Department of Conservation and Natural Resources website where you will be issued your hunter education number and card. You must be at least 10 years old, and you must be a resident of Alabama to take this online course.


Official Connecticut Department of Energy & Environmental Protection Online Hunter Education Course


The NRA online hunter education course for Connecticut is FREE to everyone. Upon successful completion of this course and the final exam you will be immediately issued a printable Hunter Education Certificate and permanent Hunter Education card. IMPORTANT – Students will need their Conservation ID number to complete this course. Please visit https://ct.aspirafocus.com/internetsales/ to locate your existing ID number or create a new one. You will be asked for this number at the end of the online course and it is required to receive your certificate.


Official Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission hunter safety course


The NRA online Hunter Education course for Florida is free to everyone. All Florida students need to schedule and complete a Field Day as required by Florida law. Upon successful completion of this online course, students will be issued a voucher proving they’ve passed the NRA online course. This voucher will need to be presented at the Field Day.

Follow this link to register for a Field Day near you: https://fwc.my.site.com/hgm/s/hgm-hunter-safety

Choose one of the events labeled Field Day and fill out the online registration form. The GoOutdoors Customer ID at the bottom of that page only applies to those who currently have a Florida hunting or fishing license customer ID number. Students must attend the full class time to successfully complete the Field Day.


Kansas Hunter Education Course


This online Hunter Education Course is provided FREE to all Kansas residents by the NRA, the Kansas Department of Wildlife and Parks, and Kansas Hunter Education.

This course is only for students aged 16 and over. Upon successful completion of this course, students aged 16 and older will be issued a final hunter education certificate and hunter education card that can be printed from a computer.

Students aged 11 to 16 years old need to refer to the Kansas Hunter Education website for instructions on completing hunter education. That information can be found at https://ksoutdoors.com/Services/Education/Hunter


Official Kentucky Department of Fish and Wildlife Resources hunter safety course


The NRA online Hunter Education course for Kentucky is free to everyone 9 years of age and older. Anyone born after January 1, 1975 needs hunter education, if not exempt.

Upon successful completion of this online course, students will be issued a certification proving they’ve passed the NRA online course. This certification will need to be presented at the mandatory Kentucky Range Day.

To register for a mandatory Range Day visit: https://register-ed.com/programs/kentucky/121

Learn more about our learn to hunt, fish and shoot programs here: https://fw.ky.gov/Education/Pages/R3.aspx


Official New Mexico Department of Game and Fish hunter safety course


The NRA online Hunter Education course for New Mexico is FREE and is available to everyone 9 years of age and older.

New Mexico hunters under 18 years of age may not hunt with a firearm without first obtaining a certificate proving that they have passed this, or another state’s hunter education course or are currently registered in the New Mexico Mentored-Youth (MY) Hunting Program. New Mexico hunters over the age of 18 are not required to take hunter education, but are highly encouraged to take this free Hunter Education course.

Important – Students will need a New Mexico Department of Game & Fish “Customer Identification Number” (CIN) account to complete this course. Please visit onlinesales.wildlife.state.nm.us to locate your existing Customer Identification Number (CIN) account or create a new one. Call the department’s customer call center, toll-free at 888-248-6866 for more information on how to set up an account.

You do not have to be a resident of New Mexico to take this online course.


Official North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission hunter safety course


The NRA online hunter education course for North Carolina is FREE to everyone. Upon successful completion of this course and the final exam you will be immediately issued a printable Hunter Education Certificate and permanent Hunter Education card. IMPORTANT – Students will need a WRC customer number to complete this course. Please visit gooutdoorsnorthcarolina.com to locate your existing Customer number or create a new one. You will be asked for this number at the end of the online course and it is required to receive your certificate.


Oklahoma Hunter Safety Course


The NRA online hunter education course for Oklahoma is free to everyone. Upon completion of this online course, students ten years and older will be issued a hunter education certification card. Students under ten years of age are not eligible for a hunter education certification, however, they will be issued a “certificate of completion” that can be used as proof of passing the course. This certificate will only be used to meet the requirement of certain shooting sports organizations. Students who are issued this certificate, upon turning ten, will be required to complete the entire hunter education course again.

IMPORTANT – Students will need an Oklahoma Department of Wildlife Conservation Customer ID number to complete this course. Please visit https://license.gooutdoorsoklahoma.com to locate your existing Customer ID number or create a new one. You will be asked for this number at the end of the online class and it is required to receive your certificate.

Individuals who are ten and under can hunt any game species in Oklahoma using an apprentice-designated hunting license. For more information visit: https://www.wildlifedepartment.com/content/how-do-i-hunt-without-hunter-education


Official Oregon Deparment of Fish and Wildlife hunter safety course


The NRA online Hunter Education course for Oregon is free to everyone. Students under 18 receive a Field Day Qualifier Certificate and will be required to attend a Field day to complete their Hunter Education. Students over 18 are required to pay the state of Oregon $10 to receive a Hunter Education Certificate which the NRA collects on their behalf (100% of this fee is returned to the state).

Please ensure your VEM customer number and date-of-birth match what's in your ODFW VEM account profile. If you don't know your VEM customer number, check out our quick guide on where to find it.

If you don't have a VEM account yet, you will need to create one before proceeding with your course registration. Follow these steps to create your account now. If you are 12 years old or younger, you will need your parent/legal guardian to create your VEM account. Refer to this guide to create a youth account and find your account number.

VEM is ODFW's new Volunteer & Event Management system and is where all of your hunter education certifications will live. In order for us to send your certification to ODFW, an ODFW VEM account is required. Read more.


Official Pennsylvania Game Commission Hunter Safety Course


The NRA online hunter education course for Pennsylvania is free to everyone. Upon completion of this online course, students eleven years and older will be issued a hunter education certification card complete with your hunter education number.

IMPORTANT – Students will need a Pennsylvania Customer ID number to complete this course. Please visithttps://huntfish.pa.gov/lookupaccount#collapseOne to locate your existing Customer ID number or to create a new one. You will be asked for this number at the end of the online class and it is required to receive your certificate and hunter education number.

Certification for this course is only available for Pennsylvania residents.


Official South Dakota Game, Fish and Parks hunter safety course


The NRA online Hunter Education course for South Dakota is FREE to everyone.

Upon completion of this online course, students 11 through 15 years old will receive a Field Day Voucher and students 16 years and older will be issued a hunter education certification card. Students younger than 16 years will need to complete an in-person Field Day and show the Field Day Voucher to their HuntSAFE Field Day Instructor as proof of online course completion.

IMPORTANT – Students will need a South Dakota Game, Fish and Parks Customer ID number to complete this course.

Please Visit https://license.gooutdoorssouthdakota.com to locate your existing Customer ID number or to create a new one. You will be required to enter this number at the end of the online course before receiving your certification card or Field Day Voucher.

This course is available for South Dakota residents and non-residents.


Tennessee Wildlife Resources Agency


The NRA online Hunter Education course for Tennessee is FREE to everyone.

Upon completion of this online course, students nine years and older will be issued a hunter education certification card. IMPORTANT – Students will need a Tennessee Wildlife Resources Agency Customer ID number to complete this course. Please visit www.gooutdoorstennessee.com to locate your existing Customer ID number or create a new one. You will be asked for this number at the end of the online class and it is required to receive your certification card.

This course is for Tennessee residents only.


Official Texas Parks and Wildlife Department hunter safety course


This Online Hunter Education Course is provided FREE to everyone by the NRA.

There are two ways to gain Texas Hunter Education Certification using the NRA course:

  • A student age 9 through 16 years who successfully completes this course receives a “Field Course Voucher” and must attend an instructor-led Field Course to complete the training. For information, procedures and locations of Field Courses, go to: https://tpwd.elementlms.com/course-category/hunter-education-field-course/
  • A student age 17 and over does not need to attend a Field Course, but, upon successful completion, is required to pay the State of Texas $5 to receive a permanent Hunter Education Certificate. The NRA collects the $5 fee on behalf of the State of Texas, plus an added Service fee, and returns all fees to Texas. A student is provided a temporary certification following successful completion.
  • All Hunter Education certificates are available for print at https://tpwd.elementlms.com/am-i-certified/
  • TPWD does not mail certificates.


Official West Virginia Division of Natural Resources hunter safety course


The NRA online Hunter Education course for West Virginia is free to everyone. All persons born on or after January 1, 1975 must first successfully complete a certified hunter education course before purchasing a base hunting license, the person must present a certification card to the agent issuing the license. Anyone 10 years old or older may opt to take the free NRA online course. After completing the online course, and printing the certification voucher, the student must complete the mandatory hands-on / written portion to complete their certification. To register for the Hands-on / Written portion, visit: https://www.register-ed.com/



Official Alaska Department of Fish and Game hunter safety course


Official Arizona Department of Fish and Game hunter safety course


Official Arkansas Game and Fish Commission hunter safety course


Official California Department of Fish and Wildlife hunter safety course


Official Colorado Parks and Wildlife hunter safety course


Official Delaware Division of Fish and Wildlife hunter safety course


Official Georgia Department of Natural Resources hunter safety course


Official Hawaii Department of Land and Natural Resources hunter safety course


Official Idaho Fish and Game hunter safety course


Official Illinois Department of Natural Resources hunter safety course


Official Indiana Department of Natural Resources hunter safety course


Official Iowa Department of Natural Resources hunter safety course


Official Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries hunter safety course


Official Maine Department of Inland Fisheries & Wildlife hunter safety course


Official Maryland Department of Natural Resources hunter safety course


Massachusetts hunter safety course


Official Michigan Department of Natural Resources hunter safety course


Minnesota hunter safety study course


Official Mississippi Department of Wildlife, Fisheries and Parks hunter safety course


Official Missouri Department of Conservation hunter safety course


Official Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks hunter safety course


Official Nebraska Game and Parks Commission hunter safety course


Official Nevada Department of Wildlife hunter safety course


New Hampshire hunter safety course


New Jersey hunter safety course


Official New York State Department of Environmental Conservation hunter safety course


Official North Dakota Game and Fish Department hunter safety course


Official Ohio Department of Natural Resources hunter safety course


Official Rhode Island Division of Fish and Wildlife hunter safety course


Official South Carolina Department of Natural Resources hunter safety course


Official Utah Division of Wildlife Resources hunter safety course


Official Vermont Fish and Wildlife Department hunter safety course


Official Virginia Department of Game and Inland Fisheries hunter safety course


Official Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife hunter safety course


Official Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources hunter safety course


Official Wyoming Game and Fish Department hunter safety course